Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PAS’s self inflicted wound

PAS’s self inflicted wound

It seems PAS has been entranced by UMNO’s crafty use of the keris, thereby inflicted by UMNO’s realpolitik.. In old Malay lore, folks say that the best form of silat or martial arts is by defeating the enemy using its own strength. Once again UMNO’s political shrewdness has made the better of PAS.

I met a member of PKR's supreme council once at the LCCT during the first revelations of secret UMNO-PAS talks. He commented light heartedly that there were two trains travelling to Putrajaya but one had already arrived. So you can either climb up the one that is still on its way or be there at the destination.

Power is tempting, offers of being in the highest echelons of national governance is ever luring. Justifications of national interest, Malay-Muslim unity and opportunities for Islamisation shore up these political ambitions. Dread and fears of further religious liberalisation add to the fuel.

During the secret talks between Pak Lah and Pas's president and his deputy, even the matter of Anwar's pending regurgitated charges were brought up. In fact, they even tried to convince PAS leaders that they had a valid case against Anwar. It was leverage as well as further justification, however diabolical. Meeting prominent national leaders up close tend to cloud one's vision.

The only difference in this PAS-UMNO unity idea is that UMNO shall remain as it is, in fact may even boost its image in leading Malay fervour for reconciliation. In the meantime, PAS shall definitely split up, losing its young base support, professionals and mistrust from the non-Muslims. This shall undauntedly happen even if the unity idea fails.

In time PAS shall be jettisoned like they suffered in 1978 as UMNO regains its strength and its ability to survive due to its dominance in realpolitik. UMNO's base support remains. PAS shall remain as provincial politicians and may never reach the national stage ever again.

PAS ought to gauge and review why they lost Trengganu when others won even in Perak and Selangor. PAS ought to be honest and should they really discount Anwar's contribution in bringing them to the mainstream in Malaysian politics after years of being in the political wilderness.

Notes: Realpolitik (German: real “realistic”, “practical” or “actual”; and Politik “politics”) refers to politics or diplomacy based primarily on practical considerations, rather than ideological notions. The term realpolitik is often used pejoratively to imply politics that are coercive, amoral, or Machiavellian. Realpolitik is a theory of politics that focuses on considerations of power, not ideals, morals, or principles. (source: wikipedia)

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