Saturday, July 16, 2011

Show a little kindness

You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That's assault, not leadership -Dwight D. Eisenhower.

When the prime minister of Malaysia went on national TV scoffing at the injuries suffered by his political nemesis Anwar Ibrahim, many were shocked. The PM's facial contortions as he mimicked his condition and made fun of the pain were ridiculous and clownish. His eager dismissiveness that it was only a "little" tear gas was gross.

This shows a clear lack of empathy and a little heartless on his part. He failed to notice and surprisingly, he was seemingly unaware that there were many others of his fellow citizens who were hit by much of the "little" tear gas and suffered the searing and nauseating consequences. It was obvious that the PM himself had never tasted being sprayed chemical laced water and suffocating CS gas. Some remarked that he should try smearing chilli pepper in his eyes and feel the pain. He seems to have a bizarre lapse in reasoning and thus engaged in ludicrous bravado for a captive audience, one which is becoming more and more out of touch with reality and the feelings of people.

He apparently overlooked another former PM's outrageous dismissal of Anwar's infamous black eye beating years ago. The strident former PM was recorded to have said that the injuries were self inflicted which made him look like a farcical comic to the whole world.

Of the recent incident, Anwar himself admitted it was only minor injuries. It would only be groundbreaking and really transformative if the PM would have dropped by and showed just a bit of concern. Of course, it goes both ways and everyone has to have a heart and be considerate to others especially in times of difficulties. Politics should be humane. It should not reach the stage of boiling heat and burning bridges as mature democracies show a sort of special relationship accorded between a ruling party leader and an opposition leader. They have to come to terms if not for themselves; it is for the people of Malaysia.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kisah Benar

Setiap kali anak saya kembali dari kelas tuisyen, dia akan mengadu tentang guru tuisyen biologinya. Gurunya agak menebal kefahaman politiknya dan bolehlah dikategorikan sebagai seorang nasionalis totok. Masalahnya adalah pegangannya terbawa-bawa pula ke dalam kelas tuisyen itu. Ini menjadikan ramai anak muridnya berasa resah dan gusar terutama anak saya. Kadangkala, guru ini mengeluarkan pandangan-pandangannya yang kesat dan berbaur fitnah di hadapan kelasnya. Jika ada bangkangan daripada anak muridnya, dia akan tegas menempelak dengan menggunakan autoritinya dan terpaksalah anak-anak muda itu menahan telinga.

Apabila anak saya meminta pandangan saya, saya nasihatkan dia terus hormati gurunya dan saya memberitahunya hasrat saya untuk kemungkinan akan memberikan teguran secara terhormat selepas SPM nanti supaya tidak menimbulkan ketegangan antara guru - murid buat masa ini. Anak saya memahami bahawa dia terpaksa membenci perbuatan seperti itu di dalam hatinya.

Pada hari Ahad yang lepas, anak saya kembali dengan riang gembira. Dia menceritakan bahawa di kelas tuisyennya, gurunya mengambil kesempatan untuk mengutuk Tuan Guru Ustaz Abdul Hadi Awang dengan mengatakan,

"Lihat Ustaz Hadi rela menggadaikan jubahnya untuk memakai T-Shirt Bersih."

Secara spontan pula anak saya mencelah, "Tapi, Cikgu, Najib pun tak pakai jubah!"

Seluruh kelas tuisyen ketawa terbahak-bahak. Guru tuisyen tersipu-sipu dibuatnya.

Itulah sebahagian kisah benar polarisasi hubungan dan pola-pola negatif komunikasi akibat terlampau banyak berpolitik tanpa adab dan akhlak, perbahasan bukan pula pada tempatnya serta gagal menyedari bahawa anak murid pun berhak, cerdas dan bebas berfikir juga.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Daulat Tuanku

Alas, His Royal Highness comes to the rescue by issuing a decree and granting an audience to Bersih's representatives. This royal intervention is timely indeed so that the authorities can start to bring back some sanity to this whole sordid affair. The people are relieved that royal wisdom prevails.

Bersih 2.0 is just about legitimate electoral demands which are really quite reasonable in seeking free and fair elections. A strong government committed to democracy would never feel threatened by it. However, maybe the nation's top political leadership were ill advised or became callous, letting loose sledgehammer tactics by trying to stamp out anything that can be remotely connected to Bersih 2.0, activists, T-shirts, colours and symbols.

The relentless backlash was to be expected as any public relations disaster would in an open and interconnected world that we live in where thinking people cherish freedom, reason and level headedness. The mindless spree of detention and intimidation has to stop. Never again should repression and force be resorted to in a civil and peaceful protest.

Let the people go to the stadium safely, let them assemble in free association, let them wear their yellow shirts or whatever decent dress they wish proudly, release the detainees; it maybe a tiny victory but it is a Malaysian first.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Semakin lara kita didera bara –

kita laungkan juga pesan merdeka:

Demokrasi sebenderang mentari

sehasrat hajat semurni harga diri.

Lama resah kita – demokrasi luka;

lama duka kita – demokrasi lara.

Demokrasi yang angkuh, kita cemuhi;

suara bebas yang utuh, kita idami!

Dua abad lalu Sam Adams berseru

(di Boston dijirus teh ke laut biru):

Tak diperlu gempita sorak yang gebu,

diperlu hanya unggun api yang syahdu.

Kini menyalalah unggun sakti itu;

kini merebaklah nyala unggun itu.

Sasterawan Negara A Samad Said