Monday, September 5, 2011

The Omega and the Ring

Once there was a tale not so long ago of a ring, a most precious stone, of value out of all proportions, said to be gracing the finger of the land's foremost lady. A legendary ring whispered to have been bought from the West that would bind them all to bring disrepute to such a chic fashionable madam and slander the country's first family edging closer into political ruin. Being silent and keeping quiet about it did not help for the evil ones kept murmuring in the darkness of the web. Denying it only made the spiteful stories become more open spreading the telltale news throughout the lands. All of the ruler's media and all of the state's spin masters could not keep the saga of the ring away from the people's gossips and rumours still abound about this strange gem. The much fabled ring had a sinister life of its own and its yarn set to devour all that came into its path. Nasty foul mouthed invisible tongues lashed out like demented trolls through contraptions called blogs kept on haunting the premier family.

Then there was the tale of the time keeper, a clock given the name Omega. An evil trinity cast a spell on the time piece and accused a person of illicit immorality. The trinity of wicked old men conjured up a vision in an utter display of lurid content and smut in a grand mansion up on a hill. The staged apparition was flaunted to a host of mean spin masters who in turn paraded and assailed the mass public through their prints, their reverberations, their mantra and their spectre screens. The evil lewdness of the state's story tellers and irresponsible lawlessness of authority was much to the chagrin of religious and moral people. The chronograph called the Omega was said to have disappeared and has ever since been cynically and maliciously sought to prove the innocence of the one slandered. The trinity of old men of vice invoked the powers of the divine by swearing in a holy and sacred place, placing their oaths on the holy book, seeking to be damned if ever they lied, challenging those who reject or deny them to do the same. These depraved and perverted old men had their iniquitous way and were not stricken by flashes of lightning or blasted by bolts of thunder. They thought that they had their day and shall forever after be that way.

In Malaysia, you are guilty until you can prove your innocence. This is how the system works in Malaysia. This epithet comes from fugitive controversial blogger Raja Petra himself.

So keep away from fitnah and slander, it does not do anyone any good but harms all in its way. This public service announcement is brought to you for the sake of a wonderful Malaysia.

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