Friday, May 20, 2011

The One Sen Minister

From grappling with flip flopping on the PPSMI issue, missing the challenge of education for language tussles, our overly ingenious minister has suggested the reintroduction of the one sen coin to beat inflation.

First and foremost, he is way out of his league and jurisdiction here for he is not minster for finance, consumerism nor industry. He apparently fails to grasp economics, inflation and pricing mechanisms. He seems not to understand money and the sustainability of currency and its own costs.

He supports the lifting and removal of subsidies which was intended to buffer prices and control inflation. He intends to support hiking up power and electricity prices which will hit manufacturers, suppliers and consumers very hard. He shall be complicit to the removal of further subsidies which will cause costs fuel to rise. All of these efforts shall contribute directly and have compounding effects to inflation and rising prices.

He goes on to say prices were caused by changes in the global climate Then comes the shocker of an advice, Malaysians should control their expenses and learn to increase their own food supply.

The people shall be burdened with spiralling costs, things will be beyond their means as their purchasing power shall be tremendously reduced over a short period of time.

In the meantime, the Malaysian opposition leader said the “alarming” 4.9 per cent rise in food prices from January to April this year compared to the same period last year suggested that there would be a “repeat [of] the pain of 2008”, when food prices jumped 8.8 per cent following sudden fuel price hikes. He says that if this pattern persists for the remainder of the year, 2011 will register the second-highest food price increase for the people to bear since 2006. This would mean food prices have increased by 30 per cent since 2005 while average wages have only gone up 2.6 per cent during the same period, he pointed out. The former finance minister said that there was a “direct correlation” between the government’s subsidy cuts and the persistent food price increases registered so far this year. He also slammed the government for offloading the financial burden of the country’s economic mismanagement to the people.

Meanwhile, spineless consumer associations get into the fray by incredulously suggesting that the people be prepared and get used to it. This means according to one cartoonist, to spend RM 1 for 2 cakes instead of the present 3! Where have the consumer activists with the conscience of the majority in their hearts gone to? This is just like the other overly witty minister who perversely suggested that Malaysians get used to slander and incitement. Where do these people come from.

Finally and the only thing offered by our overly bright minister is a one sen rationalisation to carry in your pocketful of holes at the end of the day.

Give us back our subsidies and you can keep your one sen.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mat Zain says Najib risks losing Muslim support over Datuk T

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — A retired senior police cop today warned Datuk Seri Najib Razak of a severe Muslim backlash if he failed to punish the “Datuk T” trio for “ridiculing” Islam when they attended a recent sumpah laknat ceremony in a mosque wearing bulletproof vests.

Former KL CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim said Najib could fault no one if he loses the confidence of the country’s Muslims by displaying his willingness to protect his “friends” at the expense of insulting Islam.

“YAB (Yang Amat Berhormat) cannot blame anyone if the Muslims in the country, who are not few in number, have lost their confidence in YAB.

“Moreover, when there is an increase in the number of civil service, army and police retirees, many of whom are Muslims, who are beginning to feel cheated and enslaved and more doubtful of YAB’s direction and ability to lead the government…. this is not a very good development for YAB,” he wrote in his letter to the prime minister today.

Mat Zain said that it would be a clear case of power abuse if Najib (picture) chooses to protect an offender for his misdeeds simply because he considers the latter an ally.

“In Najib should refuse or deliberately find for excuses not to take lawful action against the three, then it will not only be deemed that he has abetted in the crime and conspired with the offenders, but he also appears to be fanning the fires of hatred,” he said.

Najib, he said, would also be allowing himself to be deemed a leader who has betrayed and ridiculed Islam.

“It is even more distressing that YAB has allowed a person, whom his own Cabinet regards as an individual who has not only insulted Islam but also abused power, is corrupt, a cheat and a rapist, to bring pornography and prostitution to the house of God,” he said.

Mat Zain was repeating his accusation last week that “Datuk T” — Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah, Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik and Datuk Shuib Lazim, the trio behind the recent sex video caper — had violated section 295 of the Penal Code when they attended Shazryl’s sumpah laknat ceremony at the Masjid Amru Al-As in Sentul wearing bulletproof vests.

At the time, Shazryl was swearing on the Quran that the man in the 21-minute sex video was Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Mat Zain complained that their actions had created the perception that the situation in the mosque was unsafe.

Section 295 states that “whoever defiles any place of worship, with the knowledge that any class of persons is likely to consider such defilement as an insult to their religion” will be jailed for up to two years and/or fined.

Mat Zain said that if the trio were to be charged under syariah law or the Penal Code for their actions, the case would not affect police investigation on the video itself.

“The two cases are separate,” he said.

He said that even if the identity of the man featured in the video was to be revealed, it would not free the trio from blame for insulting the mosque and ridiculing Islam.

“These two matters are separate criminal offences.

“Other than that, YAB and the Attorney-General have no power or right, according to any law, to indemnify the trio and free them from any criminal liability,” he said.

Mat Zain also insisted today that Utusan Malaysia’s reported claims of a purported Christian uprising against the Muslims was “artificial” in nature.

He pointed out that it was unprecedented in the country’s history that the Christians, who represent the minority group, had risen to usurp Islam from its position as the religion of the federation.

“In my opinion, only irrational Muslims who fear their own shadows will believe and view seriously this likelihood,” he said.

Mat Zain also reminded Najib of the killing of Othman Talib at Felda Lubok Merbau, Padang Terap, Kedah, in 1985, which he said was the result of an “intense political turmoil” during the Padang Terap election campaign.

He explained that he knew the full details of the incident as he had been installed as the Padang Terap district police chief just three days before it occurred.

“As a Muslim, I was saddened to see a group of Muslims weeping and mourning the death of a fellow Muslim, while at the same time, not far off, there was another group of Muslims who cheered as if celebrating a war victory.

“Even more distressing is that there were other rogues proclaiming themselves as Muslims who took the opportunity to ignite the fires of hostility among those of the same race and religion,” he said.

Mat Zain added that he hoped the event would bring Malaysians to realise that it is not the followers of Hinduism, Buddhism or Christianity who were trying to destroy Muslims but the Muslims themselves.

“We should be ashamed of ourselves and not find a way out by issuing threats and attempting to intimidate those who are innocent,” he said.

By Clara Chooi | May 19, 2011, The Malaysian Insider

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Reclaiming the higher moral ground

Pembela has to come off its high horse, restrategise and leave its perceived xenophobia. Its recent forum which was poorly attended despite huge publicity should sound a warning bell for its continued relevance. Pembela has to reclaim the higher moral ground. It cannot rely and hang on to the shrills and thrills of the bigoted and jingoistic Perkasa's inflammatory bandwagon. Perkasa's modus operandi of blowing up hot air, severe alarmism and extreme hollers achieves nothing for the community. Perkasa's agenda seems only to be scaring Malays and Muslims into becoming a besieged community ever paranoid distrusting everyone except its ever scheming and corrupted leaders. Perkasa makes it its only goal of not wanting Malays to change.

Pembela cannot be associated with lies and deception just because it believes it is fighting for a good cause. Pembela must side with justice and uphold truthfulness. If not, the Muslims it represents, the people's hope and our trust is put in bad light.

Pembela has just cause and genuine concern which Muslims cherish and support. However, it must not betray this faith by being a pliant political accomplice of an ailing and desperate ruling regime. Pembela has to remain upright, honest and true to its noble spirit without fear or favour.

Pembela should not have defended Utusan's inexcusable diatribes and irresponsible racist spins especially the latest mischievous attempt at Christian baiting. Pembela should be above such low journalistic morals and it must spurn gutter politics. Such despicable newspaper reports and followed by upsetting shoddy reactions only afford Christians a higher moral ground, gives them stronger resolve and unfortunately shows up as further evidence of their perceived persecution.

Utusan's persistent lies and slander must come to an end. Pembela should not tie its fate to such misguided purveyors of doom, mischief and disorder.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bahaya Sang Saka Bangsa

Itulah bagi orang-orang fasik yang inginkan sangat dipanah halilintar, mereka suka sangat bersumpah dan sering mencabar susunan serta ketenteraman peradaban masyarakat. Mereka gemar memecahkan suasana aman damai dan harmoni. Mereka kata mereka hanya ingin membawa kebaikan untuk agama, bangsa dan negara. Dentuman hujan batu tidaklah menerjah bumi yang mereka pijak namun fitnah yang dijaja memberanakkan lagi fasad dan mungkar yang berjela-jela.

Segala mambang dan jembalang dijelmakan dengan hantu-hantu raya lama dibela melalui akhbar-akhbar saka berbisa. Pontianak dan langsuyar diupah dan dihantar merata-rata memaki hamun dan mencarut tanpa batas dan hilang hormat diri. Maka segala macam santau dan peleset dikirim melalui utusan pena-pena penulis berpuaka yang memberitakan secara harian. Gerombolan keris mengamuk menggila. Katanya apabila bulan purnama mengambang, lagi meraung kumpulan pemuja ini.

Akibatnya jenuh jiwa dan semangat Melayu dilanyak dan diasak dengan tahyul dan mitos cerita buniyan. Orang Melayu dibuai halimunan dan ditakutkan-takutkan dengan jaruman halus dan tikaman tajam untuk mencurigai jiran, meninggalkan kawan, mengkhianati sahabat, memporak peranda agama, melanggar pantang larang muhibbah dan meninggalkan kebijaksanaan akal.

Fitnah jahat menjadi-jadi bermaharajalela sebagai mentera untuk menghapuskan musuh politik dan memperdayakan umat. Pawang dan bomoh memuntahkan lagi jampi dendam kesumat. Dukun sesat muncul di kalangan pemimpin yang sepatutnya lebih waras dan berilmiah. Alangkah bisa racun ditanam di dalam dada-dada siaran dan kaca-kaca TV. Pengacara media dan askar maya meludahkan santau dan kahak jangkitan pembohongan. Para agamawan rasmi yang mungkin kurang cermat melepaskan tangan, menyimpan diam dan membiarkan poyang dan syaman menabur upas dan menyesatkan lagi masyarakat.

Kaca, miang buluh dan jarum dicucuk sehingga menjerit kesakitan batang tubuh negara yang ingin bebas dan terlepas daripada rasukan histeria penguasa gila kuasa yang melepaskan gerombolan penyebar naba' fasik - berita jahat. Sihir gila dinamakan propaganda lebih dahsyat daripada ilmu hitam segenap nusa. Katanya ada sang penunggu tua mahawangsa di sebuah menara yang merancang dan mengatur kejahatan ini semua.

Tiada yang terselamat dari sentuhan khurafat dan usaha toyol-toyol merosakkan dan mengelabui umat dengan tuduhan kesat dan tayangan lucah. Tidak cukup dengan itu, Cina dan Nasrani pun dituduh secara merasuk dan meracau.

Maka si fasik masih bersumpah merasa senang hati tiada disambar petir dan kilat. Hanya umat merana kerana alah bisa yang tak berubat hinggalah akhir padahnya.

Siapalah yang akan menjunjung panduan kebenaran dan membawa ayat-ayat syifa bagi penawar memulihkan keruntuhan jatidiri bangsa dan menyelamatkan negara?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tell me lies

A while back several years ago, a friend called up from Ipoh on a Sunday. He sounded very emotional and asked me why I was not there at the vicinity of a church. He said that they had gathered and surrounded it because of word that a mass conversion was about to take place. There already many people inside the church, he confided. I told him to get out of there because it was a hoax. I said that Christians pray mass on Sundays so there is nothing unusual with the many people going to church on that day. My friend simply huffed saying that he got the information of the purported conversion through people of authority. It seemed that someone with clout had gone on preaching about mass conversions or apostasy. It turned out to be untrue after all but had left an indelible mark on everyone, with some still not accepting that it was just a futile ruse.

I remember an incident in my daughter's school when she reported that she was bodily searched by teachers looking for blasphemous symbols. They were looking for crosses supposedly being worn by subjecting schoolgirls to embarrassing searches. Again, someone had spread the incredible news that some of our girls were being converted by wearing such crosses.

Then, there was the ridiculous rumour of the holy water thing. Word had it that a sprinkle of such priestly water can turn someone away from his or her faith. It had the magic powers of breaking the shahadah or the testimony of faith. Again, people became unduly worried and suspicious. Defence of the faith had become reduced to dealing with absurd threats. I asked Animah Ferrar, a Muslim scholar who was previously Catholic about such matters at a seminar and she assured us that Catholics do not associate any power or magic with such rituals. Muslims ought to know better.

A funny anecdote on conjured up threats was when a much hyped speaker introduced to his audience a hand signal in his motivational talk. This hand signal was purportedly about secret Satanic gestures for Black Metal worshippers. This infamous hand signal was becoming popular among teens loafing about in shopping malls around the country. The signal was in the form of putting up the thumb, forefinger and last finger. It looks like a devil with two horns and a tail, if you look at it that way. Luckily, a member of the audience who was familiar with working with the deaf and sign language as well as adolescent teens straightened the issue with the sign. She pointed out that in standard sign language it is the short form for the letters I, L and Y meaning I love you. So teenagers adopted this as their gestures reflecting their coming of age which may be morally questionable and problematic but definitely not Satanic!

Indeed much jive and hype had been made of the heavy or black metal thing but it seems to be a passing phase but well spun among captive Malay audience. Moral challenges facing our youth are indeed grave but solutions have to be forthright and must not be led by ignorance or deception.

Another dubious story was a tragic and moving one. It involved a apostate daughter who visited his father's shop with her fiancé resulting in humiliating her father and beating him up. The person known to infamously relate this incredulous story is one of those defecting MP's who made his name back then from regurgitating such believable myths and far fetched apostasy threats.

Hence, it is not surprising that the propaganda agenda has been raised or reduced to such incendiary reporting and Christian baiting. After all, everyday Utusan bashes the Chinese and tries its best to terminate a character called Anwar Ibrahim.

When the ruling fears lost of political support base, it begins to undergo lost of political nerves, leading to lost of morality. It then becomes unjust in its actions, spirals out of control and condones lies and deception. It has lost the spirit of Malaysia, it only retains slogans which it cannot fulfil.

The Malaysian public deserves much better. They cannot be treated as fools be they whatever race, colour or creed.

We must uphold truth and justice and disassociate ourselves from bigots, extremists, provocateurs, political opportunists and desperados who trade the future for short term ill-gotten gains.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our own fault

Many of us are not too happy with the ruckus and pandemonium at Masjid Amr al As last Friday. However it is unfortunately the direct result of our own apathy and callousness in upholding our own religion and places of worship. We knowingly allowed it to happen.

How could an obviously malicious swearing ceremony be held on such a slanderous issue just to run Anwar Ibrahim down in the eyes of fellow Malay Muslims. Mind you, only Malay Muslims because the rest of Malaysia finds this fanfare of oath taking by self confessed irreligious people quite perplexing and very intriguing. Non-Muslims are much bewildered by the frivolous use of our holy book and holy places as well as sacred words, time and time over again just to get Anwar.

If some may expect blazing lightning to strike, they would be disappointed to see only bedlam and uproar in the masjid. Evil begets evil. What started as false accusations and slander has transformed into blasphemy in the name of Allah swt. May Allah protect us!

Swearing has made qazaf - slander - develop into an acceptable religious form by three dubious characters vowing to subject themselves to eternal damnation in the event that they lied.

How come some Muslims still condone such blasphemy in a revered masjid - the swearing is the culmination of falsehood, the open declaration of qazaf - slander, supported, publicised and protected, just to desecrate the name of Allah? This is worse than a blast of thunder which some may wish to expect to hit them. This orchestrated event can only happen in a corrupted environment and a wicked system.

Is it not a calamity when JAWI, the religious department officials and security forces are accomplices and collaborating in such a shameful event? How can such rogues be accorded status, protection and publicity? This is disastrous and tragic morally.

It is a sorry and sad state to see religious scholars, knowledgeable persons and people of moral authority probably regarding themselves too highly to deserve such honour. Whatever has been said about preventing evil - nahy mungkar - has never been about upholding principles of justice and fighting corruption recently. It may have been a popular slogan but fails miserably in the face of authority, power and day to day realities of realpolitik. Corruption and abuse of power at the very top has never recently been challenged or rather it has been quite accommodating.

The question to ask is that is it true that combating corruption (more encompassing than bribery) is not a priority in Islamic governance and that Malay-Muslims are more tolerant and accommodating in issues of corruption.

Of course, not!

That is why we have to fight it and fight it hard.