The time sledgehammer tactics were used was by Pharaoh who upon advice by his trusted magicians decreed that all new born male children from the Children of Israel be killed. The Pharaoh envisioned that there shall come a time when a leader shall arise from among the enslaved people to fight and free his nation. In the end, such prophesied leader led his people to freedom and liberation leaving Pharaoh and his wicked men to drown in the Red Sea.
Several years ago the corrupt regime of Hosni Mubarak used underhanded tactics to overwhelmingly win Egyptian general elections by resorting to arresting opposition candidates just prior to polling. Egypt's feared police blockaded electoral posts where opposition supporters were strong in order to prevent them from voting. However hard they tried, Hosni and his evil men could not stop the Arab Spring from happening.
The was a time not so long ago when green was designated enemy of the state. It may look ridiculously childish but these colour-phobic fanatics got their way and pressured many authorities, designers, architects and even oil giant Petronas to acquiesce to be forced to change their colours, their logos and building facades. These changes were not cheap.
When people are threatened and arrested just for wearing certain shirts, symbols and colours without any legal gazette against them, it just goes against common sense and civility. Lessons from our own past and our cherished democracy are not learnt. Mature political reasoning and even handedness are thrown out in favour of brute force and intimidation. There is no need to overreact and reach boiling point.
When National Laureate A Samad Said is hauled up for purportedly reciting poetry, something is greatly amiss in this lovely land of ours. We can be sure by now that Pak Samad wears yellow.