Monday, November 22, 2010

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts

The proverb is not intended to offend Greeks in general but refers to the celebrated and infamous cunningness and trickery in the guise of a Trojan Horse. In mythology, a Trojan Horse was left by the departing Greek army who failed in their siege of Troy. Unknown to Troy, inside the giant statue were hidden well armed Greek warriors. This statue was pulled into the centre of the walled fortress city by the victors. These warriors then came out late at night to kill all of the soldiers of Troy who were fast asleep after a night of celebrations. Trojan horses like computer viruses are meant to sabotage and implode the system or the political party from the inside.

Like the legendary Troy, Parti KeAdilan Rakyat is such a formidable political foe that from its beginning it has had its fair share of spies, moles, plants, infiltrators, agen provocateurs, pretenders, opportunists and trojans. The ever welcoming and charming Anwar Ibrahim seems to invite and trusts everyone into the party even into making up the upper echelons of leadership. However there are some in kind who do betray their trust. Latecomers and self promoted liberals like Zaid is the latest in the line of those upon disenchantment with the party who gnaws it with sharpened gnashing teeth and stabs it with steely knives. Others fall out gracefully and keep their honour and respect. There are others who upon leaving lose their sense of sanity to keep on cursing and swearing to the point of being maniacal in an unusual outpouring of hate for the party , their ex-colleagues and estranged comrades.

Then there are also outsiders, one in the form of an ex mufti and self promoted progressive alim who ought to know better. His offering of advice which was apparently seen to be orchestrated from high above was for the de facto leader of PKR to step down. This is politically not plausible but he does not care. He quickly backtracked when faced with severe criticism and the threat of losing his reputation.The ex mufti said the same of Pak Lah when the latter was on his way down. This person has never been consistent but he has a place for ranting pieces in Utusan of all places.

One anecdote has it that when rumours abound of a mass exodus of ulama opting to join UMNO, our youngest son asked his eldest sister about it and its effect. His sister asked if Ustaz Nik Aziz of PAS was one of them. Her brother said no but so and so was mentioned. Her terse reply came, "if he's the one who says this and that is religious innovation then its OK, UMNO can have him!"

Like they say, beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

Friday, July 9, 2010

In the time of fitnah

In September 1998, when my daughter was only 12 years old, she helped me to translate from Malay to English, Professor Yusuf Qaradawi's fatwa or edict on the slander or qazaf befalling Anwar Ibrahim. When we came to the verses of the Qur'an's surah al hujurat, she read the translation concerning a slanderous person being compared to eating his own brother's flesh, she said "yurrgh". We were deeply moved and engrossed in Qaradawi's views which clearly spelt out Islam's abhorrence of slander and false accusations (qazaf), the upholding of honour, truth and justice , brotherhood and protecting the dignity of mankind.

Our translation was sent out in those days to abimlink and other mailing lists, and later it turned out that the PAS newspaper Harakah published it in full in its English section albeit without any form of acknowledgement. We were both surprised but contented. We felt that we had done our part.

Back then, when the masses were up in huge protests, the voices of official religious authorities were quite muted. So there were no local fatwas on such shameful, heinous and humiliating accusations being spouted and splashed daily by an insane and diabolical media onslaught which damaged the Muslim psyche in particular and challenged the clear position of the Islamic principles and shariah concerning testimony, morality, dignity and slander. Although pronouncements were made by many local scholars but the authoritative figures remained hushed. If there were private gestures, these efforts were not enough to bring back justice and righteousness to the fore as principles and values to uphold. It showed Malays and Muslims in reprehensible bad light.

So it came to pass, the second qazaf surfaced exactly 10 years on. Again, apparently it was all quiet on the part of the religious authorities. Instead, muftis were engaged on the issue of the taking of oaths or arbitration by swearing upon the holy book, the Qur'an. The real issue was fear of coming out in the open for a cause. The cause should have been the consensus for the accusations (qazaf) to be tried in the shariah court. It could have been nipped in the bud if those in authority had spoken out but it seems that ma'siat and fasad kept reigning their ugly heads.

Ma'siat was an unfortunate term used when the shariah court dismissed Anwar's attempt to seek justice through the shariah system in Wilayah Persekutuan. Professor Qaradawi had in his latest fatwa, specifically pronounced that the accusations against Anwar be tried under the shariah laws but to no avail.

Recently, two newly self declared UMNO young alims with salafi tendencies, succeeded in constitutionally challenging the Negri Sembilan Islamic enactment by going to the secular apex federal court. Self proclaimed salafis had sought secular judgements to overturn religious authority rulings. With friends and brothers like these, why fear the liberals, some may say.

When sports gambling was about to be legalized after being privatized, which does say a lot about Malaysia's governance, people were restive, leading it up to be one of the most unpopular government proposals of the decade. Religious authorities were restless but remained private or maybe preferring back-channels which were probably meant to save the government's appalling face. State governments which opposed the move became practical administrative stumbling blocks. Malaysian public anger and a loss of political nerve had prevented a major vice being promoted legally.

The latest clash of opinions among religious authorities concerning a popular and lucrative motivational training program shows a lack of consensus building, articulative difficulties and may yet become a major test or fitnah upon those entrusted with authority.

My son still asks about the position of scholars vis a vis current controversial issues and the answer is still the same. We respect them for their knowledge and their authority. We look up to them for guidance and we hope that they exercise their authoritative position to uphold the religion, defend truth and justice. We pray that they do all these with integrity and without fear or favour.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gaza Freedom Flotilla Protestors take to the streets in KL

My wife's former student who is a medical houseman rang up on Friday afternoon. He sounded so excited. He called from Kampong Baru mosque in Kuala Lumpur after Friday prayers. He said Anwar Ibrahim is in the middle of a rousing speech. Anwar's spirited speech almost swept him away. He said that thousands are joining the protests.

Anwar Ibrahim has once again taken to the streets. This time it is for the cause of the Palestinians. He led the crowd to protest the recent Israeli piracy and brutal murder of humanitarian aid activists of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. For a person who is about to be thrown out of Parliament and worse still on the verge of being imprisoned once again over malicious and humiliating charges, he shows no restrain.

The opposition party Pakatan Rakyat and other NGO's organised and led 10,000 protestors to take to the US embassy. Anwar was allowed in with other leaders to deliver the protest memorandum. This was obviously omitted and blacked out by mainstream TV and media. Instead, much was mentioned of a smaller protest at the national mosque led by UMNO Youth, Perkasa, 4B and PPIM which could only pull 200 protestors.

Anwar Ibrahim was persistently accused by UMNO of being a Zionist agent until he turned the tables on them by revealing the depth and extent of the Israeli connected APCO role in BN's government. This even caused ripples in the American Jewish organisations who labelled him anti-Semitic, their usual ploy. When asked, Anwar said that he was not being racist, he firmly believes in engagement with all sides but he could never compromise on issues of sovereignty and national security.

Malaysia has to get this one right. In trying to appease the US, Malaysia should not compromise its independence and principles in its policies either in terms of the situation in Iran, Afghanistan or Palestine.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Ghosts of Tak Bai

Had breakfast in the morning at a small restaurant run by an old friend. During a conversation, he brought out today's news which showed Bangkok on fire. He said what they did to Tak Bai has come to their own backyard. Come to think of it, it seems to be true. The ghosts of Tak Bai have come to haunt Thailand.

Thai soldiers are shooting and killing their own citizens in the very exotic streets of Bangkok. The apparent calm, festival like protest atmosphere and the easy going bloodless demonstrations and protests by colours have been shattered.

Now, bloodletting is open season, being spilled in the alleys and corners of the Ratchaprarop area. Ratchaprarop is a mostly commercial area with high-rise buildings, hotels, and shops. It was the scene of some of the worst fighting Friday night between troops and Red Shirt anti-government protesters. In several rounds of violence since March, a total 43 people have been killed and at least 1,620 wounded, according to a government toll that includes the most recent clashes. The Thai army has designated the area in central Bangkok as a "live firing zone" in a warning to protesters and local residents.

What happened in Tak Bai?

The Tak Bai incident is an event that occurred on October 25, 2004 in Tak Bai, Southern Thailand, which resulted in at least 85 deaths.. A demonstration of 3,000 people was organized to demand the release six local men who were arrested. The protests were out of a genuine concern because so many Muslims went missing or were tortured upon arrest by Thai security forces. The police called in army reinforcements. Thai security forces used tear gas and gunfire to break up the demonstrations. Hundreds of local people, mostly young men, were arrested. They had their shirts taken off, bound with their hands tied behind their backs, and made to lie face down on the ground. Video footage shows soldiers kicking and beating those already bound and helplessly lying on the ground.

Later that afternoon, those arrested were thrown by soldiers into trucks to be taken to an army camp in the next province of Pattani. The prisoners were stacked five or six deep in the trucks, and by the time the trucks reached their destination three hours later, many had suffocated to death. Reports claim that 7 died as a result of gunshot wounds. The rest are believed to have died either from suffocation or beatings. This incident sparked widespread protests across Thailand. VCDs were made by Muslim groups showing footage of the events. The Thai government responded instead by trying to suppress information, denying any wrongdoing and blatantly refusing to conduct any investigations. For the Muslims in the southern provinces, it was the same old story of centuries' long oppression. Muslim imams, scholars, human rights activists and lawyers representing them often go missing never to be found again.

If we speak to Pattani businessmen and those migrants peddling their goods and wares, they would mention in whispers as if afraid of being overheard. They would tell us of the risks every time any of them were to go out into the estates, the orchards or the jungle to tap rubber, to pick fruits or other means to make their living. They risk being maimed or be shot on sight by unknown assailants, a common happening in the restless south. Amnesty International has renewed calls to the authorities to independently investigate many allegations of the excessive use of force in suppressing violent unrest in the country’s four southernmost provinces, and to prosecute suspected perpetrators. This includes events of 28 April 2004, when over one hundred suspected persons and the fatal storming of a mosque, Masjid Krisek.

Thaksin came to power to make matters worse by refusing to make peace and instead extended his reign of extra judicial killings and black assassination thugs. Shortly after the Tai Bai incident, PM Thaksin Shinawatra's first response defended the army's actions and said the Muslim men died "because they were already weak from fasting during the month of Ramadan." Such callous, unbecoming and insulting statements from a national leader. No wonder then that he flagrantly sold the nation's assets which led to his demise and political downfall, only to attempt a return with more mayhem through his sponsored red shirt protesters. Thaksin has since been convicted of corruption but that has not dampened his scheming ambitions of a political comeback.

As of January 1, 2006, no members of the security forces responsible were brought to justice for the Tak Bai massacre. After replacing Thaksin in a bloodless coup, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont gave a formal apology for the incident on 2 November 2006 but this is not enough because there is still no justice and thus far no one has been prosecuted. There is still no peace and justice for the south.

Bangkok continues to burn.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Upholding the Shariah

It is indeed a time of fitnah. When the qadi threw out Anwar Ibrahim's attempt to compel the shariah prosecutor to proceed with the qazaf case, the qadi was right technically because he cannot direct a prosecutor. He termed it according to reports as abuse of the court process and mentioned something like it was a "maksiat" - an evildoing. A friend, a businessman from Ipoh was on the phone and he said he was surprised at the use of the term maksiat. He found it a bit confounding that technicalities could become equated with such evil.

Technicalities cannot however address the fundamental issue of maqasid as shariah which is whether justice has been served. Justice to Anwar and justice for the whole Muslim community because technicalities cannot address fasad brought about by systematically allowing fitnah and qazaf to continue unfettered over and over again. In fitnah 1, the case was not directly brought to the shariah courts. Instead it was argued in the civil high court which Anwar's legal team argued for the case to be transferred to the shariah jurisdiction which then was rejected as much expected. In fitnah 2, it was brought directly to the shariah court but seemingly to no avail.

Isn't the purpose of shariah is to uphold the religion and govern the world?

That is why the ABIM-WADAH-PKPIM latest joint statement is vital and timely. The statement is not a mere press statement but offers advice and counsel to Muslim leadership and the ummah as a whole of Islam' s principles of justice and dire consequences if injustice prevails and oppression is ignored. It reminds us of the evil and dangers of qazaf, falsely accusing good people of heinous crime. It enjoins all Muslims to reject the accusations and the fitnah against Anwar Ibrahim. If not, the accused must be allowed to challenge it according to the shariah. A shariah offence of such nature must be judged according to the uncompromising requirements of the injunctions such as the number of witnesses to the crime as it is enshrined permanently in Islamic scriptures.

The statement reminds us of the noble objectives of the shariah that is to serve justice, to protect one's rights and honour. The honour of the individual and the good and the wellbeing of the community, to be free from mischief and miscreants.

Respected Islamic scholars have spoken and the Islamic movement has voiced it out in such a clear, concise and convincing manner. Hear us, Ya Allah, we have discharged our trust!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Defector and Religious Conviction

In these times, it is always tricky and it needs some degree of astuteness to observe religious rulings in certain simple matters and in some encounters. The universal handshake is quite challenging for Muslims who hold strong convictions concerning the prohibitive injunction on the direct touching or contact of a non-muhrim's hand without just cause. For instance, the Iranian diplomatic staff after their 1979 Revolution put up posters reminding guests to their embassies of such prohibition in a polite and subtle manner so as to assure visitors that their staff had no intention to offend but were simply observing Islamic rulings. In the early days of Reformasi when Dr Wan Azizah or affectionately known as Kak Wan launched ADIL as an organized movement and as she went about touring the country, she was usually spotted with a shawl over her shoulders. The shawl was used to fulfil the ruling but without offending well wishers and supporters who came from all walks of life to shake hands with such a wonderful person. Later on, she wore a glove. This is similar to the one worn by Tabung Haji desk officers in handling customers when they come into contact who are non-muhrim.

Why then did such a simple gesture done to observe a religious ruling by Dr Wan Azizah is being mocked by the one and only political gung-ho defector MP representing Kulim Bandar Bharu is anyone's guess. It seems that among the common traits of defectors are to attack and vilify those who once ago were held in their high esteem and confidence. Investigating further, there is the attempt to ridicule and deride the high regard morally that the public has consistently had with Anwar Ibrahim, Dr Wan Azizah and her family. We can observe and record these attacks from the speeches and statements that come from various defectors as if they were set pre-conditions of their rehabilitation to get back into the governing regime. Defectors look for her vulnerability to take cowardly pot shots to swipe and stain her family name while sometimes stopping short to show that as if they still cared. How pathetic.

Dr Wan Azizah and family have been through this over and over again. We pray and hope that they shall persevere and remain strong. They are the symbol of a decent and upright family somehow caught in a strong test of faith and will. We are demanding such high moral standards from them without even being in their shoes and thus lose sense of the reality that sinks in that makes certain people run cowering for their lives to defect. Can anyone imagine how is was for an eye doctor who became a housewife albeit a very important one to come to lead such a new fledgling rainbow political party while at the same time caring for her incarcerated husband and taking care of the whole family. Just consider the challenges going to parliament after the disastrous 2004 elections, being the sole KeAdilan MP amidst the stares, the vilification, the slurs and the innuendos of hostile ruling MPs'. Women's rights groups simply ignored her plight being more concerned about assailing anything non-secular and religious.

We shall relate an incident observed by my other half during the heated and intense nomination day of the November 1999 elections at Tengku Bainon Educational College nomination centre for the Permatang Pauh seat. Dr Wan Azizah's candidacy was up against Dr Ibrahim Saad, a close family friend and Anwar Ibrahim's former political colleague and loyalist. My significant other was with one of Dr Wan Azizah's daughter engaging in conversation. Then, a voice, a lady called out gently to the daughter and asked her (called herself auntie) to fetch a cup of cold drinks. The daughter dutifully went to deliver the drink to the lady. My other half enquired, "Who was that?". The daughter replied, "O, that is Auntie Zainab, the wife of Dr Ibrahim Saad". When asked further, she said they as a family had no grievances against them and still regarded them as friends of the family. She could say that even when their father was taken away from them, slandered, beaten up and jailed, and their mother was for the first time facing a political tussle with an erstwhile family friend who had turned on them.

Indeed, this was a truly noble family and they bore no vindictiveness.

Whatever the Kulim MP might say, he has left something invaluable behind for some illusive and misleading pot of gold.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Corruption and Betrayal

“In the name of Allah, I left the party not because of money, power or anything else but principles. I’ll have you know that I stood by Anwar till the day he was released from prison. I had defended him when no one else would,” said Ezam to a 100-odd people, mostly grassroots Umno supporters in Wangsa Maju. "Anwar cared so much for Azmin, almost like a second wife. Azmin is very close to Anwar, so close that they have had “moments” together,” said Ezam, hinting that Azmin’s relationship with Anwar was more than just that of colleagues. Like Ezam, Anuar Shaari also insinuated that Azmin had been “intimate” with Anwar in the past. He said that the campaign to smear Anwar and Pakatan had only just begun and they would be doubling their efforts in weeks to come with similar ceramahs.

(Malaysian Insider)

Wow, with comrades like these around, you do not really need enemies. They'll be there to stab your back anytime, over and over again. Why are they zealously offering themselves like a pack of attacking hounds on a crusade to crucify Anwar Ibrahim when he is already being engulfed viciously in fitnah 2? Have they lost every bit of human decency, honour and dignity? Will they be celebrating in the event of Anwar's demise and second imprisonment? How do they sleep nights, relishing thoughts of treachery and betrayal? Surely, is by doing what they are doing, the only thing that brings bread to their families' table? They shall inevitably atone for all of their actions whether they like it or not, or else be buried in shame forever.

In September 1998, at Anwar Ibrahim's former house in Damansara days after his inglorious sacking, just after maghrib prayers Sheikh Taha Jabir of the International Institute of Islamic Thought gave a short sermon. He delivered a tadhkirah, on the relevant verse in surah An Nur concerning the hadith al ifk, the fitnah. In it he reminded everyone that those who are accomplices to the fitnah shall have their testimony and their trust revoked forever - abada. The two men above who were Anwar's confidants staunchly supporting him then , were there but they must have forgotten. How tragic.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My Son

My son who is 15 years old asked me a question in the car recently. He asked whether Professor Yusuf Qaradawi met with our Religious Affairs Minister when he was over here. I said he must have since he was to receive the national Maal Hijrah award. My son asked whether Prof Qaradawi brought up the fitnah II issue with the minister. Again, I said he must have offered his advice and caution to the minister. My son asked what did the minister say which I replied I could only guess that he would say that he was personally not involved and it is a pending court case so let the court decide, which maybe is so more or less. My son argued that surely the minister is religiously knowledgeable and should have done the right thing. I had to say that knowledge is not everything especially if it is subdued by power and dictated by interests. Sometimes my son goes on about the muftis, why are they not doing this or that. My son has this fascination, respect and high regard for religious teachers and scholars which he should have and proudly so. But the realities are mighty challenging. We pray that our son remains steadfast to the religion and maintains his respect for knowledge and people of knowledge.

In 1999, a friend who is a senior architect somewhere in the north asked one of the members of the state fatwa committee why they did not make a stand in the first fitnah seeing that it was such a shameful and malicious episode. The scholar replied that they were not fighters but the one put in prison is the fighter. Possessing knowledge and to act upon it is a major test for everyone and there is no exception.

So it came to pass that a group of religious teachers and upright educators were intimidated by administrators for carrying on with tadhkirah which were not in the regime's favour and flavour. Suddenly these well meaning and knowledgeable people were given the test of their lives by being made to be subject to reprimand, fear and pressure. Now, everyone came to realise the true meaning of tadhkirah, it is not something shallow nor empty , meant for a docile crowd. It is something which has to face and come to terms with hostility. These incidences shape the outlook and worldview of things, material hardship and promotion chances are dangled as if the administrators know and have power over other humans in being beneficent. How far it is from the truth. Has corruption come to this lowest level that good people are being forced to succumb and surrender their will and suppress their noble knowledge in the pursuit of people in power.

We hope that our sons and daughters do not have to come to this stage where evil is upheld and truth is suppressed knowingly. If it comes to this then we have condemned our own future generation.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Malaysia di bicarakan: Prinsip Keadilan dan Integriti

Pada 1999 sedang suasana negara tegang akibat penahanan dan layanan buruk terhadap Anwar Ibrahim, satu pertemuan telah diadakan dengan S/U Politik Menteri Belia waktu itu. Beliau bekas pimpinan pelajar semasa menuntut di Scotland. Pertemuan itu dihadiri wakil-wakil badan-badan belia Melayu gabungan MBN, Majlis Belia Negeri. Dalam ucapan aluannya, dia meminta badan-badan belia Melayu supaya bertenang dan bersatu dengan menekankan betapa pentingnya perpaduan Melayu supaya dapat menangani keadaan dan terus memimpin khususnya di peringkat belia. Dia juga menerangkan kesatuan itu penting sebagai contoh kepada badan-badan belia non-Muslim dan supaya pimpinan Melayu terus dihormati. Dalam ucapan balas, kita tegaskan bahawa belia Melayu sepatutnya menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan kerana hanya dengan memperjuangkan prinsip barulah belia non-Muslim akan menghormati kita. Apabila tiba giliran ucapan GPMS maka mereka bidas dengan mengutuk apa yang dinamakan "demonstrasi jalanan" sewaktu itu (sekarang digelar "perhimpunan haram") dan cuba menangkis seruan keadilan yang kita ajukan.

Tidak beberapa lama kemudian, satu lagi pertemuan diadakan dengan SecPol yang sama tetapi kali ini di kalangan rakan-rakan. Katanya ia dalam siri bertemu rakan-rakan. Dalam ucapannya dia melontarkan maklumat bahawa seolah-olah ada kemungkinan Anwar Ibrahim yang sedang menunggu keputusan hukuman perbicaraan April 199 9 akan dibebaskan. Kita menjawab bahawa ini semua hanyalah helah psikologi dalam percubaan mengkondisikan serta menenangkan keresahan rakyat dan juga satu kaedah tinjauan bagi mengukur reaksi orang terhadap apa yang bakal akan berlaku. Maka sekali lagi persoalan pokok iaitu isu prinsip dan masalah keadilan masih tidak dijawab.

Begitulah apabila rakan-rakan yang ingin kekal dalam posisi politik dan dengan keadaan yang mereka nikmati selama itu berhujah dengan alasan strategi politik. Maka seorang ahli usrah memberi komentar pedas bahawa itu sebenarnya "strategi perut". Keenakan dan keselesaan keadaan mewah diperolehi dan dipungut semasa berpolitik di arus perdana sukar untuk dilepaskan walauapapun prinsip dan idealisme asal yang dipegang atau dibawa yang mendorong mereka melangkah ke kancah politik.

Maka begitulah pada babak fitnah kedua juga melibatkan sekali lagi memburukkan dan menghina peribadi Anwar Ibrahim. Rakan-rakan dan agamawan di kalangan penyokong fitnah kedua ini dengan mudah mengatakan bahawa ini semua sebagai permainan politik dan fitnah itu adalah perkara biasa dalam parti. Mereka cuma mahukan Anwar Ibrahim dijatuhkan dan disisihkan daripada arena politik tanah air kerana mereka juga mempunyai agenda besar bagi membangunkan negara dan mempertahankan umat Melayu-Islam. Maka dikaitkan dengan kisah pertarungan Muawiyah dan Ali r.a. **

Ini mengingatkan tentang satu forum perdana bersempena dengan suatu pilihanraya kecil beberapa tahun dahulu. Seorang yang dianggap tokoh agama (sarat dengan kontroversi) berhujah dengan nas bahawa umat Islam wajib mentaati pemerintah walaupun pemerintah itu seorang yang zalim. Hujah ini nampaknya digunakan kerana pada waktu itu pemerintah memang dipandang serong oleh orang ramai. Maka oleh kerana tokoh tersebut bersandarkan nasnya, hal ini menimbulkan tandatanya kepada masyarakat. Namun, semua ini diperbetulkan apabila di suatu program yang lain pertanyaan dilontar kepada Ustaz Dr Wan Salim tentang hal ini. Dr Wan Salim menerangkan betapa penting kefahaman tentang sunnah, fiqh dan memahami maqasid as syariah. Kekeliruan berlaku jika pemahaman tekstual dan kontekstual tidak digarap dengan baik. Katanya dengan mudah bahawa umat Islam mempunyai pilihan sekarang ini iaitu ada calon kepimpinan saingan yang adil dan lebih baik. Maka umat Islam sewajarnya memilih pemimpin yang terbaik di kalangan mereka. Itulah kefahaman fiqh yang jitu dan penyerlahan hikmah. Al hikmah itu senantiasa milik Muslim yang Mu'min.

Gerakan Islam harus mengenengahkan dan menggagaskan politik berintegriti dan mengutamakan keadilan sosial. Integriti dan keadilan sosial tidak harus menjadi concern dan milik golongan demokratik sosial atau liberal-sekularis semata-mata. Jika tidak, model kerajaan tempang yang korup milik Melayu -Islam akan dijaja dan dicanang dengan pelbagai tema tanpa substance. Model rapuh ini akan memberikan imej yang salah terhadap kepimpinan Islam. Rakan-rakan kita perlu ingat kata-kata Anwar Ibrahim apabila ditanya kenapa tidaknya rakan-rakan lain ikut jejak langkahnya bagi membawa perubahan "dari dalam" sekarang. Anwar mengingatkan bahawa ada perbedaannya kerana walaupun boleh bertentangan idea politik, namun prinsip Islam tidak boleh dilanggari dan rakan-rakan tidak boleh dikhianati.

**Nota: berikut catatan ringkas ulasan Sayyid Qutb dalam karyanya Keadilan Sosial dalam Islam:-

Pada zaman khalifah yang rashidin wal mahdiyin, fungsi khalifah adalah pelaksanaan pematuhan kepada keimanan dan hukum Allah s.w.t. ke atas umat Muslim. Tidak terlintas oleh mereka untuk menggunakan kedudukan istimewa ini bagi mengambil peluang dan melakukan penyelewengan. Sebagai contoh ’Ali r.a. tidak mengambil apa-apa langsung daripada khazanah negara tetapi bukan kerana kejahilannya. Dia bertindak demikian kerana sebaik saja seorang itu menjadi pemimpin dia menjadi objek syak wasangka dansekaligus contoh teladan. Dia tidak mahu dilihat oleh rakyat dan para gabenornya sebagai pengaut wang rakyat dan dia ingin menjadi contoh kejujuran dan zuhud. Pemerintahan Islam yang sedang berkembang mekar dan tatacara sosial baru itu memerlukan pengorbanan para pemimpinnya dan kerelaan bersusah payah. Khalifah yang rashidun hidup secara zuhud sehingga pada akhir hayat tidak meninggalkan harta.

Mereka yang inginkan kedudukan dan yang telah biasa dengan keenakan tidak rela dengan peraturan kesaksamaan dan keadilan. Mereka menyertai puak yang bersaing dengan ’Ali kerana di sana mereka berpuashati dengan memijak-mijak kebenaran dan kesedaran. Mereka melihat kelicikan politik pada lawannya yang tiada pada ’Ali. Mereka tersalah apabila meletakan ini sebagai kelebihan yang mengalahkan ’Ali. Mereka gagal memahami ’Ali dan cabaran yang harus dia tangani. Tugas paling besar ‘Ali adalah untuk memugar semula tradisi Islam dan ruh sebenar keimanan serta meruntuhkan hijab yang menyelubungi kelemahan pemerintahan yang materialistik. Jika ‘Ali menyamai lawannya dengan mengenepikan akhlak dan moral maka dia akan gagal dari kacamata keimanan. ‘Ali berkata, “Dia bukanlah lebih pintar daripada aku tetapi dia rela khianat dan ingkar. Kalaulah aku tidak bencikan pengkhianatan, mungkin aku adalah manusia paling pintar.”

Monday, February 8, 2010

Malaysia on Trial: What they say matters

Dr. Wahbah al Zuhaily yang juga Dekan Fakulti Fiqh dan Mazhab Islam dari Universiti Damsyik, Syria berkata, Nabi Yusoff a.s dipenjarakan walaupun dibuktikan bahawa Nabi Yusof tidak melakukan kesalahan.

"Tidak semua yang diperjara itu bersalah...seperti Nabi Yusof a.s (yang) walaupun telah ada keterangan yang jelas (iaitu) kesan koyakan baju di bahagian belakang menunjukkan Yusuf cuba melarikan diri daripada fitnah, tetapi dia tetap dipenjarakan disebabkan muslihat musuh" .

"Saya amat serius bahawa cabaran yang dihadapi Anwar ini menyusahkan hati saya...semoga Allah akan menaikkan darjatnya seperti Nabi Yusof a.s," jelasnya. "Beliau (Anwar) akan dapat kedudukan yang lebih baik dari apa yang telah pun didapati sebelum ini."

"Bagi kita semua, menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk membantu perjuangannya yang benar dan melawan kuasa yang batil" . "Ini adalah tanggungjawab bersama (dan) ini adalah ujian bagi beliau dan dunia Islam yang sedang disaksikan dunia Barat."

(Harakah Daily)

Saya mengenali Anwar Ibrahim sejak 25 tahun yang lalu. Ketika itu Anwar adalah presiden Abim. Apabila Anwar menyertai kerajaan, hubungan kami masih akrab. Setelah Anwar difitnah dan dipenjarakan, saya sering mendoakan agar beliau tabah dan tidak mengalah. Sekarang beliau adalah harapan kepada rakyat yang mencintai keadilan dan kemanan sejagat. Saya minta tuan-tuan dan puan-puan agar bersama-sama Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengangkat martabat kemanusian yang meletakkan keadilan dan prinsip Islam sebagai asas perjuangan.”

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi , Tokoh Maal Hijrah, 19 Disember 2009 di Masjid Shah Alam

(TV Selangor)

Veteran Umno leader Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah also tweeted his thoughts on the trial in his @razaleigh twitter account, saying "Another trial to shame the country the world over. Is this case even triable anymore?"

(Malaysian Insider)

I know that there are attempts to shame and drag Anwar Ibrahim through the mud and sludge. However for the sake of our children, may I ask the media, especially the printed newspapers, to be sensitive of their readers knowing that among them are children and minors? What surprises me is the deafening silence of the information ministry which quietly approves of such nonsense. Please don't for the sake of politics expose our children to such indecency.

Yee Siew Meng


Anwar's daughter upon seeing the accuser Saiful in court, "Bertaubatlah!".

(Various news report)

Ustaz Ahmad Rivai Batubara, religious teacher, passionately said , "Anwar Ibrahim adalah pemimpin umat. Pemimpin umat bukan senang untuk dilahirkan. Kita berkewajipan mempertahankan dia dan mendoakannya."

(At a Muslim gathering)

“I am not going to leave Pakatan Rakyat or PKR,” PKR’s Kelana Jaya MP Loh Gwo Burne told reporters at his service centre yesterday. Loh said he had joined PKR following a request from Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. “In his time of need, there’s no way I will abandon him,” he said.

(The Star)

“It’s unfortunate we have to go through this again. I would have no qualms about Anwar being defeated in a political contest. But I cannot accept him being brought down this way,” said his loyal friend Datuk Kamaruddin Jaffar who is also Tumpat MP.

(The Star)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Malaysia on Trial: What the roti seller said

"I don't believe in this charge at all," Aziz Maanan, a 36-year-old food vendor, says as he prepares a double-layered toasted roti at a night market in Kuala Lumpur. "They are all afraid of [Anwar] because if he wins and becomes prime minister, they will all end up in jail."

(Read more:

Lawyers know how hard it is to prove a case of genuine rape as such acts are usually committed unseen and unheard by witnesses but what are the chances of proving a case which never happened? The effort to stage manage fabricated evidence in court would be tremendous. Witnesses have to be coached, their testimonies must tally and dovetail together, plausible explanations must be created for seemingly contradictory events and witnesses must remember what to say and what they have said. To make it even more challenging the whole contraption must stand up in court under the aggressive cross-examination of lawyers. But no matter how well planned, an unexpected revelation may throw a spanner into the works and bring the whole edifice tumbling down.

(Bruce Tan, Harakah)

Bendahari PAS Pusat yang juga Ahli Parlimen Kuala Krai Dr. Mohd Hatta Ramli menyeru rakyat yang hadir supaya bersedia menempuhi gelombang reformasi kedua. mengulangi ucapan yang pernah ditegaskan oleh bekas Presiden PAS, Almarhum Datuk Fadzil Mohd Noor, “bukan kerana dia Anwar, sesiapa pun yang difitnah, Islam menyeru kita menentang kezaliman”.


Rights group Amnesty International has urged the Malaysian authorities to drop the charges against Anwar, calling them "politically motivated". "The Malaysian authorities have resorted to the same old dirty tricks in an attempt to remove the opposition leader from politics," Sam Zarifi, Amnesty's Asia-Pacific director, said last week.

(Al Jazeera)

The situation calmed down for a while and became chaotic again when police chased out photographers and cameramen from the lobby to reduce crowding there and adding to the chaos were shouts of "reformasi" by Anwar's supporters in the court compound who had come as early as 6am. Also present in the court complex was Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang.
